Hence, a net resultant spin would result in the nucleus only if it contained an odd (unpaired) number of protons, an odd number of neutron or both. [The concept that certain nuclear species had angular momentum was first suggested by Wolfgang Pauli, while explaining the fine structures in the Atomic spectra. In the presence of an external magnetic field, the spectral lines got split, depending on the strength of the field (Zeeman Effect).]
Since nucleons bear a net charge (owing to the protons contained), the spinning nuclei will generate a magnetic field (since moving charges generate magnetic field). Each of these charged spinning ‘spheres’, hence, may be thought of as a tiny bar magnet having a magnetic dipole (that is a north-south orientation). [Electrons, similarly, have their own angular momentum though, responsible for molecular structure which nature uses, but they are not used by humans (Milestones in Spin podcast)] When we talk about “MRI” in humans, we mean proton nuclear magnetic resonance; i.e. NMR that detects the presence of hydrogen (proton) nuclei.
Our bodies have a plentiful of Hydrogen atoms: from the water within us, in cells and in extracellular fuid, (and to a lesser extent to the adipose tissue (fat)). These charge-carrying ‘unpaired’ protons (Hydrogen nuclei) rotate around their axes, but since all are spinning in a random fashion (as there’s no coordinator of any sorts); their net spin is zero, or in other words, their net magnetic moment is zero (as shown on the left).
Understanding spins aren't easy either. But, Prof. Stephen Hawking made it quite simpler for us using the real classical world analogy of ‘playing cards’ in his famous book A Brief History of Time
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[The magnet used for this purpose employs superconductivity. In a superconductive magnet, the electromagnet coils are immersed in liquid Helium at minus 269 degree Centigrade. At such a low temperature, the coils loose ‘resistance’ to the flow of electrons, resulting in a highly stable and a very strong magnet. (However, any minute vibration in the superconducting magnet can lead to runaway Eddy current leading to a phenomenon called 'quenching', that happened in the Large Hadron Collider
The protons have two choices. Either they have to align parallel or anti-parallel to the applied magnetic field (known as spin-up and spin-down position respectively). In any case, the protons only ‘partially polarize’ since they tend to ‘make an angle’ with the applied static magnetic field. Spin down position is the higher energy state while spin-up state is the lower energy state of the spinning protons

Let me clarify a bit. You've seen a spinning-top rotating around its own axis. Due to Earth’s gravitational field, the top ‘maintains’ an angle (with the perpendicular/vertical), more visible when its angular momentum
The frequency of precession is given by the Larmor relationship:
f=w/2*pi=yBo/2*pi (2*pi=360 degree)
w=angular freq. in radians per second; since there are 2*pi radians (360 degree) in a circle; we can find f, the frequency of rotation.
y is the magnetogyric (gyromagnetic) ratio, nuclear constant characteristic of every isotope. For 1H it is 42.5 MHz/T;
Bo=static magnetic field
The above equation is important, as we shall see later. Now let’s summarize what we learned so far.
Protons (nuclei) spin randomly in an atom. They tend to align with respect to an external magnetic field. These protons make an angle with the magnetic field as it goes about the magnetic field (while it also dutifully goes around itself), some parallel, and some antiparallel.
In MRI, our objective will be to disturb this alignment of protons with a dose of radio frequency pulse, in a similar way I discussed in my radio transmitter article but in a much, much bigger way. But since the ‘target’ (proton) is moving (precessing) around the field, we better ‘punched’ the target as if we were moving at the same angular velocity (so that the relative velocity was zero). Thus, when we apply the RF frequency pulses at the Larmor frequency, perpendicular to the magnetic field; the magnetic component (B1) of this electromagnetic wave temporarily knocks the protons out of alignment (see picture). If energy is absorbed by the nucleus, then the angle of precession will change. Assuming the field strength to be 1 Tesla, the protons are revolving 42.5 million times per second; it is at this frequency we give the pulse (i.e. at the Larmor frequency).
The protons are pushed out of alignment and as the pulse ends, they ‘relax’ (more on how they ‘relax’, later) back to their undisturbed ‘equilibrium’ position. This causes emission of an RF signal (the Echo) that can be picked up by the receiver coil (the same transmitter coil that produced it, in most cases); a damped oscillating wave generated, as the ‘disturbed’ magnetic moments coming back to realign with the magnetic field. Now, the problem begins. We have applied a uniform/homogeneous magnetic field (Bo). There are a lot of protons but we don’t know who’s who and residing where. That is why we also apply orthogonal magnetic field ‘gradients’ along the three (x, y, z) axes. [In a classroom, spray gradually ‘more’ yellow color in the front row and to the left than the back and to the right. In a similar way, spray blue color; hope your students don’t object. Now, every one of your students has a unique color: yellow, blue or green and with different hues]
Now that we get a decaying signal, which of high frequency; we mix it with a low frequency signal, in much the similar way as in heterodyning, to produce an ‘interferogram’. This interference map is digitized, which is called the Free Induction Decay (FID). Thus, we do find too many frequencies in ‘the low frequency map’ which occur in ‘almost’ the same time. So, what can we do?
Waka Waka! In this football World Cup 2010 at South Africa, audience seems to have a deafening organ, what they call ‘vuvuzela’. How are we going to analyze so many vuvuzelas when they are blowing at the ‘same time’? Just plot them in ‘frequency domain’ instead of ‘time domain’. Here’s Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) which will do happily for you. [Simply put, it samples the different frequencies and plots them; not all vuvuzelas have the same frequency]
Now, that fuzzy picture of multiple frequencies has a 'spatial information' (owing to its orthogonal gradient magnetic field), contrast information (due to its ‘relaxation’ parameter), and foremost that it can be analyzed visually by humans, have enabled MRI to be a indispensable tool for the medical professional, as much as NMR has to the physicist or the discerning chemist. In MRI (NMR) it is not that important where or how energy is absorbed, but how quickly the excited protons revert back to its previous position is much more important, and hence the relevance of T1 and T2 relaxation times.
By the way, contrast depends on the t1 and t2 relaxation, the surrounding chemical environment affecting relaxation, and of course the water content of the tissues [gray matter contains 10-15% more water than white matter.]
Finally, the article wouldn't be resourceful enough if I do not post some MRI scans of the brain, this time, that of an epileptic patient (below).
Naturally, the small tunnel may induce claustrophobia; the whirring acoustic noise from switched gradient coils may be troublesome to the patient; any implanted pacemaker may be subjected to interference from the electrical field resulting in dislodgement or malfunction (as in other ferromagnetic objects such as wrist watch, key rings etc.). Moreover, sudden movement by the patient may induce voltage in semicircular canal producing vertigo, a sensation of giddiness. Advances in MRI technology is happening fast. Claustrophobia may now be ameliorated with a wide bore MRI. A newly developed MRI scanner with Total Imaging Matrix (TIM) technology patients don't feel as claustrophobic, the imaging time is quick, quality of picture is better and even the acoustic noise is less (watch the YouTube video here). Whatever be the shortcomings of MRI, the benefits far outweigh the risks and it is here to stay and evolve.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging: David D. Stark, William. G. Bradley, Jr.
NMR spectroscopy
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MRI basics
Principles of NMR
William P. Dillon. Neuroimaging in Neurologic Disorders. In: Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine
Ian L. Pykett, Ph.D., Jeffrey H. Newhouse, M.D., Ferdinando S. Buonanno, M.D., Thomas J. Brady, M.D., Mark R. Goldman, M.D., J. Philip Kistler, M.D., & Gerald M. Pohost, M.D. (1982). Principles of Nuclear MagneticResonance Imaging Radiology
P.S. We will discuss T1 and T2 relaxation, fMRI, tractography and NMR spectroscopy later.
Created: Jun 24, 2010; Last modified: Mar 10, 2014
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